November 2018



Teachers in five primary schools in the Central Bosnia Canton had an opportunity to speak about important topics for school communities, sociology of gender and gender-based violence, in the period from October 25 to November 13, 2018. In the organization of TPO Foundation, associates, pedagogues and psychologists from this canton, Snježana Petraš and Šejla Džanan held seminars in elementary schools: "Treća osnovna škola Bugojno", "Prva osnovna škola Jaklić" in Bugojno, "Kaćuni" in Busovača, "Berta Kučera"  in Jajce and "Edhem Mulabdić" in Opare, Novi Travnik..

The seminars were realized within the three year project "Peer and gender based violence", which TPO Foundation implement in cooperation with three cantonal ministries of education of FBiH. The aim of the seminar is to strengthen school communities on the topics of gender and gender-based violence for their recognition and prevention. Teachers of the remaining six primary partner schools CBC will also have the opportunity to discuss these topics in the coming period.

Throughout the brainstorm, participants discussed the most desirable social roles of women and men, and indicated the most common roles of mothers, wives, housewives, teachers, daughters and sisters, and that due to changing circumstances, other roles such as a foster family are now occurring. Participants also emphasized their roles of husband, father, teacher, son, brother, and concluded that the most important roles they are proud of are the roles of fathers and mothers. It is still noteworthy the existence of stereotypes about certain occupations and it will take more time for society to be freed from many stereotypes related to the educational system and the call of teachers.

Some of the conclusions of the seminar is that education is necessary to overcome traditional perceptions of the position of women in the family and in society. When it comes to violence, society still does not react or react in an inadequate way. We do not pay attention to the everyday use of gender-sensitive language, and women in this region are not recognized, they are still "invisible". More work is needed to overcome the stereotype, which includes an additional effort to include these issues in school textbooks and teachers need to be more aware of gender-based violence as a social problem.